With four production sites in the country, Afflatus Gravures, one of India’s leading gravure cylinder manufacturers, wants to be close to its customers. To respond to their wishes even more precisely and flexibly, the company decided to invest in three additional CFM rotary and polishing machines.
Afflatus Gravures streamlines its working processes and responds more flexibly to growing customer demands with the recent investment. After its great previous experience with the Daetwyler Graphics CFM, the Indian gravure cylinder manufacturer’s repeat choice was logical and fast. The company is impressed by CFM’s highly precise turning and polishing results.
One push of a button creates superior copper cylinders that fulfill the highest engraving requirements. The CFM polishing stone and polishing belt modules guarantee that Afflatus easily reaches the quality of the copper surfaces desired by customers. In this manner, customers achieve the optimal printing conditions – coordinated to the respective materials. Another crucial advantage is that measurement, turning and polishing units are individually programmable. This facilitates fully automated workflows that require no operator intervention.
All in all, constant and convincing results, optimal reliability and maximum flexibility have convinced Afflatus Gravures to again invest in the Daetwyler Graphics CFM.