Maarten Halma, the CEO & Founder at Bij Halma Solutions B.V. announced in a post about a tie-up with DieVision, China.

“This will bring DieVision at a higher level since we can present a much wider range of products to our customers/markets and will enlarge our sales into EU area instead Benelux” informed Maarten. Wohing is a leading diemaker in Asia who are producing a lot of die-making materials themselves and DieVision shall keep stock in the Netherlands for the benefit of it’s customers. It must be emphasised that Wohing has the latest technologies in making sandwich dies with superb quality.
“We want to thank team of Wohing in trusting us to expand the business in Europe and with a 115 years combined experience in making dies, we expect to enter the USA market – Think local act global” Concluded Maarten.
For reader’s information, Halma Solutions BV, Netherlands and TCPL Packaging Ltd, India have a very successful joint venture named TCPL Halma located at out of Goa, India adjoining TCPL Packaging Ltd’s state-of-the-art factory. This unit assures cost-effective supplies of high-quality Paper Cups for the world market. Moreover, the unit is equipped with solar panels on the entire roof span of the plant enabling to potentially save in excess of 20% of the total power consumption of the site thus reducing their carbon footprint.