Web Offset printing companies embrace manroland web systems’ completely renewed eCommerce offering. Now the online shop expands and becomes a MARKET-X trading platform for numerous suppliers and lifts up the one-stop shopping experience to the next level.
Today, the manroland web STORE supplies well over a thousand web offset customers with spare and wear parts as well as authorized consumables. Completely redesigned and relaunched in July 2016, this well-established online shop follows the model of the most modern shops in the B2C sector. Every month more and more customers count on the new manroland web STORE; a reason for manroland web systems to continue the development to expand the STORE. From August 2017 the pilot stage for the new MARKET-X trading platform starts. Numerous suppliers from the printing industry are going to sell their products through the manroland web STORE.
manroland web STORE MARKET-X
The MARKET-X trading platform is a further development of the established manroland web STORE to offer customers of manroland web systems and others a much wider selection of products and services. To offer this added value to the customers, manroland web systems will connect more and more qualified suppliers to the future marketplace of the printing industry.
The first suppliers have already started to sell their products at the manroland web STORE. “We are very happy to welcome considerable players from the printing industry. Together with a range of selected pilot customers we are at the testing phase at the moment. The manroland web STORE has been established very user friendly and in close cooperation with our customers to implement all additional functions which are required in a B2B world. Having the customer in the main focus of all of our activities ensures ideal solutions. We are proud to provide the same high level of service for the additional MARKET-X products”, Alexander Wachter, Vice President eCommerce & Customer Support, explains.
Customer benefits
Quality, performance, and availability: This is what print customers expect from manroland web systems’ spare and wear parts supply business. Therefore we are sure, that an offering that goes beyond the in-house service and covers all parts of the printing industry is more than important for the entire industry.
“We consistently and intensively work on the implementation of further functionalities, on the constant optimisation of technical consultation and on increasing the product variety and offerings – as now seen even by suppliers. The main objective is to offer a modern, convenient and reliable one-stop shopping experience no matter from where in the world and available 24/7. That’s what I would like to call a MARKET-neXt Generation,” Alexander Wachter foresees.