The blistering speed at which developments in packaging for e-commerce and home delivery occur may result in an underdeveloped fundamental knowledge on the matter itself, thus potentially negatively influencing the sustained growth of this sector. To combat this potential threat, universities must be invigorated, on a global scale, to research the matter of Web Retail Packaging (WRP); including new materials, packaging techniques and the end-use of packaging by consumers. This is the conclusion of the NVC’s annual international working group meeting, that took place in Rotterdam on the 25th of September, 2015.
The working group also supported the development of a course for business professionals. This NVC E-Course Packaging for E-commerce with four online sessions gives an excellent insight into the importance of packaging for successful e-commerce business. The next group starts on November 9th, 2015.
The working group is part of the NVC’s innovation project Web Retail Packaging. The NVC Working Group Web Retail Packaging consists of major international e-tailers, manufacturers and packaging (services) suppliers. Supported by the NVC association office in Gouda, the Netherlands, this international group provides guidance and intelligence to the global e-commerce community.
Since its creation in 2013, the NVC’s innovation project has focussed on raising awareness on the topic of Web Retail Packaging and diffusing information and knowledge on a global scale. This was done through the NVC’s participation in global conferences as well as publishing an NVC Position Paper: ‘Packaging as driver for the sustained future of e-commerce’. It is this sustained future for which research must be intensified.
NVC (founded in 1953) is the association of companies addressing the activity of packaging throughout the supply chain of packaged products. The NVC membership, projects, information services and education programme stimulate the continuous improvement of packaging.