From 25 to 28 September, Omet will be among the main exhibitors at Labelexpo Europe 2017 in Brussels. Present at the booth B49-B53, hall 6, Omet will be presenting an extraordinary show, with amazing live demos showing all the potentialities of its machines.
For many years, Labelexpo has been the main occasion for Omet to reveal its concept of innovation in the label and flexible packaging printing market. In 1995 Omet Multiflex was the first machine to show a real quick-job changeover thanks to the exclusive removable inking cassette, with astonishing printing quality result, giving a boost to flexo printing potentiality.
Many players of this sector still think of the Varyflex launched in 2001 among the best innovations ever seen in Labelexpo: it was the first machine with servo gearless flexo technology in the narrow-web printing market. Omet’s innovative solutions ensure perfect printing registration and consistent reduction of waste, which translate to high quality products and costs saving. Apart from the first electronic control, Omet benchmarks also include flexo sleeve concept.
Six years later, during Labelexpo 2007, Omet promoted a new “revolution” with the XFlex: it was the first press with short web path, thanks to the integration of the chill drum with the impression cylinder, allowing for the least start-up waste on a narrow-web flexo press. XFLEX was also the first machine featuring the Vision System able to achieve a perfect printing register, with no manual operations, simply by pressing a button. During the live demonstrations, the visitors looked for the “trick” that allowed to obtain a perfect register of 0,05 mm, independently from the skills of the operator.
The first variable-size rotary die-cutting unit (MonoTwin Cut) and the first flexo-digital inkjet hybrid press (X-jet) in 2009; the first flexo-offset press with automatic sleeve format change (XFlex X6 Offset) in 2013; The first press with pre-registration through laser pointer and iVision system for real-time register adjustment (iFlex) in 2015.
For the next edition of Labelexpo, Omet will be showing 3 presses with new relevant technologies and developments.