Small and medium-size publishers are the hidden champions of the publishing industry. With a global survey, WoodWing investigates their status.
A multitude of large, often international newspaper and magazine publishers from all over the globe produce an abundance of world-famous media brands. They constantly adjust their strategies to adapt to the changing realities in the industry and master the challenges of the modern publishing world by using state-of-the art technologies. But the publishing universe is much larger than just the major brands. Many small and medium-size publishers worldwide – most of them unknown – are creating an impressive array of attractive publications. With a global survey, WoodWing investigates the status of these publishers, as well as their strategies and needs.
Along with world-famous magazine and newspaper titles, readers can select their preferred publications from a variety of categories, including city and regional magazines, publications covering niche topics and industry magazines. The small and mid-size publishers of these publications must master the challenges of the modern publishing world just like the large media houses, aiming to improve efficiency and to ensure competitiveness.
WoodWing’s global survey aims to examine the situation of the publishers in the small and medium business sector (SMB): the nature of their businesses, the challenges they face, and their needs and strategies. WoodWing’s anonymous survey asks about the status of these publications and their audiences; their social, mobile and Cloud strategies; their key business challenges and pain points; their production environments and more.
SMB publishers are hidden champions
“Small and medium publishers are the hidden champions of the publishing industry. They produce highly attractive publications that find and inspire their readers,” said Roel-Jan Mouw, CEO of WoodWing Software. “Nevertheless, these publishers do not attract the attention they deserve. With our global survey, we want to shed light on this segment of the publishing industry and to give SMB publishers a platform to share their experiences and strategies.”
The questionnaire is available at WoodWing website and the deadline to participate is Oct. 14. Among all participants, WoodWing will give away one Apple TV. The results of the study will be published during the fourth quarter and will be sent to all participants.