SGO Premedia is yet another innovative venture by YesGo after successful launch of various branches and India’s first employment portal for printing and packaging industry.
YesGo has launched its Premedia Venture SGO on 10th January 2021 at a Chennai event that took place at Hotel Crown Plaza. The launch of SGO – Bring Life To Your Brand – was inaugurated by Chief Guest Mr. T. P. Jain Managing Director Monotech along with Guest of Honor Mr. AMSG Ashokan – Managing Director Arasan Ganeshan Group Of Industries and Guest of Honor Mr. Alan Barretto – Managing Director Nilpeter India.
YesGo, after the successful launch of its Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai branches and India’s first employment portal for printing and packaging industry – My Print Career e-Tabloid – has launched yet another innovative venture – SGO premedia.
SGO is the first India-based Premedia and Prepress house that not only takes up the challenge to maintaining and strengthening brands image across the variants but is also an endeavour to optimize the brand, bringing more prominence to the voice of each brand with Indian manpower and management while endorsing true Indian values in the organization.
Highlight of the inauguration was its unique invitation which was inspired from Tanjavur Dancing Dolls –Which never falls down. The Concept disseminate SGO’s strong competency and emphasises its all-weather service where perfection across the channels and verticals stands firm come what may. It’s an invitation “to partner with an all weather sway to empower your brand”.
Team SGO is headed by Mr. Nizamappas – Founder & CEO, Mr. Venkatesh – Director Operations and Ms. Ramalakshmi Nizam – Director Technical.
The Inauguration witnessed confluence of some of the top industry veterans along with presence of YesGo & SGO Team. The evening was presented by Ms. Rakhi Das, Business Development Manager, YesGo along with Ms. NR Ishitha – daughter of Mr. Nizamappas.
Venkatesh Govindarajulu, Director – Operations & RL S Director – presented technical features in depth, in-line with the brand requirements. He explained how SGO can cater to the major classification in terms of corporate, employees and other premedia companies.
Vote of Thanks was presented by Mr. Nizamappas.
SGO premedia has been crafted as a part of YesGo’s assurance of 360-degree solutions provider in packaging and printing needs as well as to offer a local and most cost effective premedia services equipped with in-house solutions – skilled manpower, high-end infrastructure like Esko, end-to-end workflow automation to deliver a most cost-effective operations for premedia needs at the door stop. SGO also aims to remove dependency on outsourcing and encouraging voice for local; a truly make in India Initiative to meet the growing industry needs.